Young man stops to help elderly
To the Editor:
Just a note to say a big “Thank You and “God bless” to a guardian angel, Ronnie Cloud.
[Read more…] about Thank you and God bless to guardian angel
To the Editor:
Just a note to say a big “Thank You and “God bless” to a guardian angel, Ronnie Cloud.
[Read more…] about Thank you and God bless to guardian angel
To the Editor:
What a joy it is to drive and walk through our beautiful village during the Christmas season.
Dear Editor:
It is such a blessing to call Salado my home town. Our little town is filled with the most generous people. I have been involved with Salado Family Relief for 10 years now, and I am always amazed with the local support. I want to thank all the local Restaurants and Bed & Breakfasts that donated soup, bread sticks and tea for our Empty Bowl Fundraiser in November. Thanks to all the people that attended the event. A special thank you to Titia at Mud Pies for donating beautiful pottery bowls, and lining up potters from all over central Texas to also donate bowls for this event. Our group was also blessed to receive a generous donation that was collected from the Community Church Service held in November. We just wrapped up our Christmas Project and we helped 147 local children with toys and gifts for Christmas. Almost all of these children were assisted by local groups, churches and individuals in the community that shopped for a family or child. Thanks again to everyone that helped with this event!
Renee’ Oas, President
Salado Family Relief
by U.S. Sen. John Cornyn and Rep. Mac Thornberry
Imagine that you had worked hard to purchase a piece of property like some vacant land in Swan Valley, pay your taxes on the land, and plan to pass it along to your children for their use and enjoyment. All seems well until an agency of the federal government decides that it really owns your land and swoops in to take it away. You try to fight the government in court but while you do, a cloud hangs over the title to the property for years.
[Read more…] about A Victory for All American Private Property Owners
To the Editor:
My family and I were in a terrible car accident in Bastrop County on Nov. 27. Our daughter, Addie, was taken by helicopter to Brackenridge in Austin while Rick and I were brought in by ambulance.
To the Editor:
For the third time in the last few days Main Street and side streets are jammed with freeway traffic, further crippling our Village and businesses, not to mention emergency traffic flow. The state tells us that 1500 people are moving to Texas every day from the overcrowded north, yet we continue to just piddle along with expanding our infrastructure just like we did in the past.
[Read more…] about Main Street and side streets jammed with interstate overflow
To the Editor:
I have no idea if you have any influence in the construction process and associated traffic, but I’m sending this to you either way. The decision to have that much road work around the thanksgiving holiday is absolutely absurd. My family and I sat in traffic forever on our way home. Someone needs to have a word with the decision makers and they need to be considerate and a hell of a lot smarter.
Scott L.
Annandale, Va
To the Editor:
The lower front page of your November 26, 2015 edition read as follows “BOA approves Sanctuary deal” or should it have read, “The Rabbits finally swallowed the Dangling Carrot,” except one.
By Preston-Dankert
Village of Salado Alderman
There is a point when one must emerge from behind an iron veil and discuss openly the reasons that decisions are made, or not made, and the repercussions that those decisions have on our village.
[Read more…] about Unwilling to sell our village short for Sanctuary deal
To the Editor:
At the Nov. 19 Village Workshop, our elected officials and Village attorney left the large meeting area and moved into the far North room with shut doors to meet in Executive Session for more than two hours.
[Read more…] about Many questions remained unanswered about Sanctuary deal