Salado Area Republican Women will host Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Glenn Hegar, at the next general meeting May 24.
Hegar is Texas’ chief financial officer — the state’s treasurer, check writer, tax collector, procurement officer and revenue estimator. He will provide an update on the financial state of Texas and review some of the initiatives he has taken to meet cash flow needs, the effort to repeal eight minor but burdensome taxes and his part in ensuring that the Legislature cut taxes and fees by $4 billion.
Prior to becoming Texas Comptroller, Hegar served in the Texas House of Representatives and Texas Senate, where he worked on a wide range of common-sense solutions to problems affecting Texans in areas such as public education, transportation, tax reform, government transparency, Second Amendment rights, water issues and tort reform.
The meeting will start with a social time at 6 p.m. at Tenroc Ranch, Sirena Room, followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. McCain’s Café and Bakery will be providing the catered dinner. Cost is $20 per person prepaid or $25 per person at the door.
To prepay send your check to SARW PAC, P.O. Box 373, Salado, TX 76571. Reservations must be received by May 18. The public is invited. RSVP to or call/text 414-491-2341.