3C Cowboy Fellowship and Arena will saddle up for the 2019 Fall Playday Series with the following events:
Pole Bending for ages 6 & under Assisted (leadline)
Cloverleaf Barrels for 6 & under Unassisted
Straightaway Barrels for ages 7-9
Speed Race for ages 10-13 and ages 14-18
Event fees are $8 per event; $5 office charge and one time $20 award nomination fee.
Exhibitions: Barrels and Poles only, $4 per run or 3 for $10.
Books open at 9 a.m. and leadline starts at 10 a.m.
In order to qualify for the end of series, participants must pay the one-time nomination fee, must enter all events and must participate in four of the five playdays.
For information, call Shawnee Arnold at 254-721-2029, Jessica Muston at 254-654-2188 or Amber Shed at 254-721-8672.
Dates are Aug 24, Sept. 7 & 21 and Oct. 5 & 26 with rainout dates of Nov. 2 & 9.