Salado Area Republican Women will be welcoming Leslie Fitzpatrick, candidate for Justice of Texas Third Court of Appeals, Place 4 for the November election at the Thursday, October 27th meeting. Her topics will include her values of fairness, impartiality and her balanced varied experiences that make her a top choice in November! The luncheon starts at 11:30 A.M. upstairs at the Salado Civic Center located at 601 N. Main St., Salado Texas.
Attendees are encouraged to bring items for the Heart and Hands Food Pantry, one of our Caring for America projects. Items requested include breakfast items, snacks, peanut butter and jelly, cookies, crackers, meaty soups, canned beans, canned fruit, Ramen noodles, individual serving meals and spaghetti sauce. Monetary donations are appreciated as well.
October’s proposed luncheon includes beverages, chicken pot pie casserole, fresh green salad with fresh pears, cranberries, feta cheese and walnuts, sweet potato pie, pumpkin cheesecake roll and apple enchiladas. The cost for the meal and the meeting room is $20. It may be paid at the door by check, cash, or credit card, but reservations must be made to or 254-217-4390 no later than Friday, October 21st.
Everyone is welcome to attend. We hope to see you at the monthly meeting where we socialize, enjoy tasty foods and most importantly, keep you informed on the upcoming November election!