The Salado Cultural Arts District will showcase Salado artists and Salado galleries in an Amazing Art Show at Salado Winery Company, 841 N. Main Street, Oct. 5 - Nov. 3. Art will be for purchase at the free showing. If you are a Salado artist and would like to participate in the art show, contact […]
Salado Village Artists weekly Knitting group meets Mondays from 1 – 3 p.m. – other fiber artists meet from 1:30 – 4 p.m. at the Salado Village Artists building behind Salado Civic Center. New members are encouraged to join.
Salado Village Artists weekly gathering at the Village Art Building on the grounds of the Salado Civic Center. 9:30 a.m. every Tuesday. Artists meet and work together in brush art, […]
Salado Lions Club meets the Second and Fourth Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. at the Salado Civic Center.
Every Thursday night, The Barton House invites you to a wine tasting from a different wine maker. Most tastings are $10.
3C Cowboy Fellowship and Arena will saddle up for the 2019 Fall Playday Series with the following events: Pole Bending for ages 6 & under Assisted (leadline) Cloverleaf Barrels for […]
Serving SE Bell County and the cities of Salado, Academy and Holland. Helping Hands Ministries Food and Clothing Bank offers assistance to qualified families. Contact Helping Hands Ministries for information […]