Mrs. Fern (Norwood) Raley was born in Salado on July 29, 1920.
Her parents were J. H. and Pearl Norwood. Their homeplace is the old Norwood place located at 231 N. Main Street.
Fern went to school at the old red schoolhouse. She was graduated from Salado school in 1937, having attending all those years at the old red schoolhouse on Main. After going to business school in San Antonio, she moved back to Salado.
That was when she met Coleman Raley, who was the English teacher at Salado High School and who boarded at the Norwood home at that time.
Miss Norwood married Dr. Coleman Raley on March 25, 1945, and they celebrated 62 years of marriage before his death in 2007. Most of their life together was spent in Shawnee, Oklahoma. They were both very involved with teaching and working at Oklahoma Baptist University.At university there were some electronic devices as well,which were thrown once they are unusable,But now days services like electronic recycling Melbourne are available.
Mrs. Raley is also an accomplished pianist, and played for many church activities and programs through the years.
She is currently living in Columbia, Tennessee with her daughter, Cheryl, and husband, Tim Wood. They have two sons, Daniel and Michael.
Fern stays active, even in this time of quarantine, and is anxious to get out and about when it’s over. She keeps a positive attitude, and enjoys “Zoom” visits with relatives and friends.
If you would like to wish her a “Happy Birthday,” you can call 254-931-4612 to get her mailing address or phone number.
There is also a way you can join in a “Zoom” call on July 30, if you wish.