Salado Lady Eagles are 5-4 after playing in the Marble Falls tournament to kick off the Thanksgiving break.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 15 9 12 14 50
VHS 6 13 14 11 44
Salado Lady Eagles beat Vandegrift 40-44 Nov. 21.
Contributing were Ally Ihler, 19 points, eight rebounds, two assists, two deflections, three steals, a block; Riley Guthrie, 14 points, five rebounds, two assists, two deflections, a steal; Karlee Konarik, 14 points, two rebiounds, four assists, a steal; Bri Tutor, two points, two rebounds, a deflection; Brylee Craddick, one point, three rebounds, three assists, a deflection and a steal; Mack Lewis, seven rebounds, an assist; Kate Maedgen, six rebounds; Morgan Riggs, three rebounds, two assists; Jenna Goodman, a deflection, three steals.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 8 14 13 16 51
CHS 7 12 9 16 44
Salado Lady Eagles beat Copperas Cove 51-33 Nov. 21.
Contributing were Ally Ihler, 17 points, nine rebounds, an assist, a deflection, four steals, a block; Ruley Guthrie, 16 points, six rebounds, an assist, two deflections, two steals, a block; Karlee Konarik, 12 points, 10 rebounds, five assists, three deflections, two steals; Brylee Craddick, four points, a rebound, two assists, four deflections, four steals; Kate Maedgen, three rebounds, two assists, a deflection, a steal; Mack Lewis, a rebound, an assist; Ainsleigh Liebig and Addy McCoin, a rebound each, Morgan Riggs, a deflection.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 14 6 9 12 41
GHS 17 13 16 7 53
The Lady Eagles lost to Grapevine 53-41 Nov. 22.
Contributing were Ally Ihler, 18 points, 11 rebounds, four deflections, a steal, two blocks; Riley Guthrie, 12 points, four rebounds, an assist, three deflections; Karlee Konarik, five points, three rebounds, five assists, two deflections, three steals; Morgan Riggs, four points, a rebound, two deflections; Jenna Goodman, two points, a rebound, a deflection; Kate Maedgen, two rebounds, an assist, two deflections, three steals; Bri Tutor, two rebounds; Mack Lewis, a rebound, an assists, a deflection, a steal; Ainsleigh Liebig, a deflection, a steal; Addy McCoin, a deflection.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 26 20 16 22 84
GHS 5 7 11 5 28
The Lady Eagles blew past Gainesville 84-28 Nov. 23.
Contributing to the win were Karlee Konarik, 19 points, seven reounds, two assists, two deflections, two steals; Riley Guthrie, 16 points, three rebounds, an assist, two deflections, four steals; Ally Ihler, 12 points, seven rebounds, two assists, a deflection, two steals, a block; Morgan Riggs, nine points, two rebounds, a deflection, a steal; Ainsleigh Liebig, eight points, five rebounds, three assists, a steal; Bri Tutor, seven points, eight rebiounds, five steals; Mack Lewis, five points, nine rebounds, three assists, two deflections, two steals, a block; Jenna Goodman, five points, one rebound, three assists, three deflections, four steals; Kate Maedgen, two points, two rebounds, four assists, four deflections, one steal; Addy McCoind, one point, four rebounds, an assist, two deflections.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 13 16 5 12 49
CHS 16 5 10 7 38
The Lady Eagles beat the Connally Lady Cadets 49-38 Nov. 26.
Contributing to the win were Ally Ihler, 17 points, eight rebounds, two assists, five deflection, five steals, a block; Karlee Konarik, 14 points, seven rebounds, two assists, two deflections, four steals; RIley Guthrie, seven points, eight rebounds, two deflections; Kate Maedgen, four points, five rebounds, three assists, two deflections; Bri Tutor, two points, three rebounds, a deflection; Ainsleigh Liebig, two points, a rebound, an assist, a steal; Morgan Riggs, two points, two assists; Jenna Goodman, two rebounds, a deflection, a steal; Mack Lewis, a rebound, three assists, two deflections; Addy McCoin, a steal.