On November 25th, III Armored Corps Commanding General Admiral and Command Sergeant Major McDwyer awarded Legacy CTX Inc. with the Outstanding Volunteer in the Communities Team Award at the Phantom Warrior Award Ceremony at Fort Cavazos.

The award stated, “Legacy CTX’s positive impact in their community and throughout Central Texas is reflected in the volunteer efforts of the small group of 4 women, Dr. Amber Dankert and Michelle Lenis from Fort Cavazos Directorate of Public Works, along with Theresa Howard and Linda Lopez, who have dedicated their time, energy, and resources to addressing local needs and improving the well-being of others. Over years, they have fostered a culture of service, compassion, and responsibility, directly benefiting Central Texans. By organizing events, fundraising for local causes, and offering educational programs, the dedication of the volunteers of Legacy CTX enhances the quality of life in their community and leaves a lasting legacy of positive change.” Dankert, Howard, Lenis, and Lopez amassed over 700 volunteer hours planning Sirena Fest alone, a massive feat as each are outstanding in their professions and have families at home!
In addition to the Team Award, Dankert also received the Volunteer in the Communities – Individual Award. Amassing over 300 volunteer hours, the award noted, “Dr. Amber Dankert is making a ripple effect through her volunteer efforts, providing perspectives and ideas, enriching the community, and inspiring others to get involved. (Dankert) inspires her work peers and community to make a difference and encourages a culture of giving back that creates lasting change.”
Legacy CTX has 2 Sirena’s Little Food Pantry locations: one at the Salado Civic Center and one at the Field of Dreams. Sirena Fest is hosted the first weekend in October annually. For more information on these, and how to become involved, visit www.legacysalado.org.