Salado Eagles won the Italy tournament last week to improve to 8-8 on the year.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 7 16 17 9 49
AR 12 14 17 12 55
The Eagles lost to the Austin Royals 55-49 on Dec. 10.
Scoring for the Eagles were Bryson Byers, 10 points, eight rebounds, a deflection; Griffin Self, 10 points, five rebounds,, two assists, three deflections; Liam Wilcox, eight points, a rebound, an assist, a deflection, a steal; Mason Brown, six points, two rebounds, an assist, two deflections, two steals; Bradon Gonzalez, five points, four rebounds, three assists, three deflections; Colby Ramm, four points, five rebounds, two assists, a steal; Kenneth Angel, four points, an assist, a steal; Korbin Konarik, two points, two rebounds, a deflection, a steal; Derrick Smith, a rebound, an assist.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 54 16 13 18 54
BG 20 21 19 28 88
Salado Eagles lost to Blooming Grove 88-54 on Dec. 12.
Scoring were Derrick Smith, 25 points, two rebounds, five assists, a deflection, two steals; Griffin Self, six points, four rebounds, a deflection, two steals; Korbin Konarik, four points; four rebounds, two deflection, a steal; Luke Johnson, four points, a rebound; Mason Brown, two points, three rebounds, an assist, two deflections, a steal; Bradon Gonzalez, a rebound.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 22 7 18 12 59
RHS 14 4 5 19 33
Salado beat Rains 59-33 Dec. 12.
Griffin Self led the Eagles with 15 points, four rebounds, three assists, two deflections, two steals.
Also contributing were Bryson Byers, 11 points, four rebounds, two assists, a deflection, a steal, a block; Liam Wilcox, 10 points, two rebounds, two assists, a deflection; Mason Brown, seven points, nine rebounds, five assists, four deflection, three steals, three blocks; Bradon Gonzalez, five points, six rebounds, an assist, a deflection, two steals; Korbin Konarik, five points, five rebounds, an assist, a deflection, three steals; Brennon Heber, four points, a rebound; Kenneth Angel, two points, a rebound, a deflection, a steal; Derrick Smith, two rebounds, five assists, a deflection.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 21 22 16 14 73
HHS 2 3 6 6 17
Salado crushed Hubbard 73-17 Dec. 13.
Griffin Self led the Eagles with 17 points, nine rebounds, two assists, a deflection, four steals, a block.
Also scoring were Bryson Byers, 13 points, six rebounds, three assists, two steals; Liam Wilcox, 13 points, three rebounds, five assists, seven deflections, four steals; Derrick Smith, eight points, six rebound, a deflection, a block; Daniel Flas, eight points, four rebounds, two assists, a deflection, a steal; Mason Brown, five points, six rebounds, an assist, four blocks; Korbin Konarik, four points, four rebounds, an assist;Bradon Gonzalez, three points, four rebounds, two assists; Brennon Heber, two points, four rebounds, two assists; Colby Ramm, five rebounds, an assist, a deflection; Kenneth Angel, a rebound, an assist, a steal.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 24 23 24 19 81
SLO 9 12 13 10 44
Salado beat Slocum 81-44 on Dec. 13.
Mason Brown led the Eagles with 32 points, seven rebounds, two assists, a steal.
Also contributing were Colby Ramm, 23 points, five rebounds, seven assists, a deflection, a steal; Bryson Byers, 9 points, 9 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 deflection, an assist, 1 steal; Liam Wilcox, six points, three rebounds, two assists, a steal; Kenneth Angel, four points, three rebounds; Korbin Konarik, three points, four rebounds, an assist, a deflection, two steals; Griffin Self, two points, three rebounds, five assists, a deflection; Bradon Gonzalez, two points, two rebounds, two assists; Derrick Smith, three points, the steals; Brennon Heber, an assist, a steal.
1 2 3 4 F
SHS 11 8 9 7 35
VHS 11 8 10 3 32
Salado beat Valley View 35-32 Dec. 14.
Colby Ramm led the Eagles with 15 points, 1 rebound, three assist, a steal.
Also scoring were Mason Brown, six points, seven rebounds, an assist, a deflection and a block; Griffin Self, six points, a rebound, two deflections, a steal; Bryson Byers, four points, eight rebounds, two assists, four deflections, a steal; Liam Wilcox, four points, three rebounds, an assist, two deflections; Korbin Konarik, two rebounds, two assists, two steals; Bradon Gonzalez an assist, a deflection