By Tim Fleischer
Village aldermen will face some hard truths when they adopt the final amended 2023-24 budget at their 6:30 p.m. Sept. 19. Even though income is $294,473.70 higher than originally budgeted, expenses are $1 million more than originally budget, creating a $1.14 million deficit this year.

Income is higher because the Village took in $180,000 more in building permit fees and $143,173.70 more in property taxes than budgeted.
Driving the overage in expenses were the $394,000 in expenditures this year for the All Abilities Playground and $886,000.00 in street projects (most of which was funded by the American Rescue Plan).
As of Aug. 31, the Village has $805,272.33 in checking accounts and another $200,928.58 in receivables (sales tax, franchise fees, property tax and mixed beverage). The Village lists $221,072.98 due from the waste water operations fund and $13,684.27 from hotel motel fund to bring total current assets to $1.25 million.
The Village has $1.18 million in current liabilities, including $945,615.08 in development escrows.
In other business, aldermen will consider action on the following items:
• Support of the 22 hour walk for suicide prevention on Sept. 21-22.
• Close off part of Pace Park Rd. on Halloween 6-9 p.m. Oct. 31 for fifth annual Jack O’Lantern Blaze.
• Review, measures, collection of data and approval of application for Hotel Occupancy Tax funds.
• Digital billboard contract renewal.
• Ordinance to amend Ordinance 2023-12-A to amend Ordinance 2023-12, which set a property tax rate of $0.39470 for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Village administrator Manny De La Rosa, Police Chief Allen Fields and Tourism Marketing Manager Deanna Whitson will give reports.
The village will receive petitions for release from the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction from Salado Airport, LLC of approximatey 49 acres in five tracts; and from Eagle Nest Holdings, LTD., Stephen M Clarke II individual and Stephen Monteith Clarke II Trust of 380.198 acres.
The village will authorize Sanctuary Development to post a cash performance bond of $130,952.35 for the Salado Sanctuary Phase 1B and authorize Village admAdministrator to execute the performance agreement.