Last week’s Mayor’s column had the headline, BOA AND CHAIRS ….so I searched back to the BOA minutes from March 3, 2016 to see who had been appointed to the various committees and who chaired the committees.
1. Ordinance- Dave Williams (alderman)
2. ETJ/ Annexation-Mike McDougal (alderman)
3. Street Improvement- Mike McDougal (alderman)
4. Wastewater-Fred Brown (alderman)
5. Environment-Dr Lewis Raney (resident)
6. Economic Development- Frank Coachman (alderman)
7. Main St- Fred Brown (alderman)
8. Trails/Parks- Amber Preston Dankert(alderman)
9. Public Safety-Tommy Wooley (ETJ resident?)
It would appear that the people meeting on Saturdays to “discuss the Comprehensive Plan for the Salado Village” are mostly the BOARD OF ALDERMEN!
The Mayor fails to mention that that means the meetings are open to the public.
I would like to request that a list of all members of each Committee be published in the Salado Village Voice or by the mayor in his column so residents who don’t want to give up a Saturday morning might contact a friend or neighbor on one of the committee’s to express interest in the areas the mayor outlined: “Planning and Zoning; Transportation; West Side; Main Street; Historic Preservation; Sewer; Economic Development; Recreation Green Space; Trails and Parks; ETJ Future Land Use; Annexation; and Architecture.”
As the Board of Alderman and CHAIRS drastically revise or “update” the Village Comprehensive Plan, residents may want to voice opinions before this important document fades away?
Linda Reynolds
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